Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Federal Judge Resigns....

In my opinion, I think those of us who remember the German government during WWII should worry that our own government is going down the same garden path. In Germany, in fact, in all of occupied Europe the Germans had the dreaded SS who eliminated those the Nazi's deemed undesirable.

Now under this president, we have our intelligence gathering CIA, and FBI along with our military who are authorized to examine the private lives of anyone and obviously in some cases cause people to disappear without any judicial oversight.

Our military has always been able to do this with its own people but now, I guess they can do whatever they want with anybody.

When I served in the USAF during the Korean police action in the '50's a private who worked for me and lived with us in the barracks, suddenly disappeared. He was gone for four days!

It turns out that an anonymous caller accused John of being a Communist. They questioned him constantly those four days, then assigned an attorney to represent him at a military hearing to determine his guilt or innocense. Since they couldn't establish any indication of guilt, they kicked him out of the service anyway with a general rather than honorable discharge - the same one you get for wetting your bed.

How can we Americans fight terrorism if the terrorists are our own government? We aren't there yet, but it seems not very far off. It will start with mass resignations by judges and then by dissident elected representatives and other government workers ..AG

Judge Resigns Over Secret Surveillance
By GINA HOLLAND, Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON - A federal judge has resigned from a special court set up to oversee government surveillance, apparently in protest of President Bush's secret authorization of a domestic spying program on people with suspected terrorist ties.

U.S. District Judge James Robertson would not comment Wednesday on his resignation, but The Washington Post reported that it stemmed from deep concern that the surveillance program Bush authorized was legally questionable and may have tainted the work of the court.

An aide to Robertson said the resignation letter submitted to Chief Justice John Roberts was not being released. Robertson did not step down from his district judgeship in Washington.

White House press secretary Scott McClellan would not discuss Robertson's resignation or the reasons cited for his departure. "Judge Robertson did not comment on the matter and I don't see any reason why we need to," McClellan said.

Robertson was one of 11 members of the secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, which oversees government applications for secret surveillance or searches of foreigners and U.S. citizens suspected of terrorism or espionage. Robertson's term was to end in May.

"This was definitely a statement of protest," said Scott Silliman, a former Air Force attorney and Duke University law professor. "It is unusual because it signifies that at least one member of the court believes that the president has exceeded his legal authority."

Ruth Wedgwood, a Johns Hopkins University professor and defender of many Bush administration policies in the terror war, said that service on the special court is voluntary.

"If Judge Robertson had strong feelings that he thought would interfere with the needed objectivity, one could understand his decision," she said.

The court was established by Congress in 1978 and its members, appointed by the chief justice, do their work in private.

Quoting colleagues of Robertson, the Post said the judge had indicated he was concerned that information gained from the warrantless surveillance under Bush's program subsequently could have been used to obtain warrants under the FISA program.

Robertson was appointed a federal judge by President Clinton in 1994. Chief Justice William Rehnquist later appointed Robertson to the FISA court as well.

Robertson has been critical of the Bush administration's treatment of detainees at the U.S. naval prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, most memorably in a decision that sidetracked the president's system of military tribunals to put some detainees on trial.

Robertson's resignation was reported hours after Vice President Dick Cheney strongly defended the surveillance program and called for "strong and robust" presidential powers.

Cheney — a former member of congress, defense secretary and White House chief of staff under President Ford — said executive authority has been eroding since the Watergate and Vietnam eras. "I believe in a strong, robust executive authority and I think that the world we live in demands it," Cheney said.

"I would argue that the actions that we've taken there are totally appropriate and consistent with the constitutional authority of the president. ... You know, it's not an accident that we haven't been hit in four years," the vice president said, speaking with reporters Tuesday on Air Force Two en route from Pakistan to Oman.

Republicans said Congress must investigate whether Bush was within the law to allow the super-secret National Security Agency to eavesdrop — without warrants — on international calls and e-mails of Americans and others inside the United States with suspected ties to al-Qaida.

"I believe the Congress — as a coequal branch of government — must immediately and expeditiously review the use of this practice," said Sen. Olympia Snowe (news, bio, voting record), R-Maine.

Snowe joined three other members of the Senate Intelligence Committee, including Nebraska Republican Chuck Hagel, in calling for a joint inquiry by the Senate judiciary and intelligence committees.

Bush and his top advisers have suggested senior congressional leaders vetted the program in more than a dozen highly classified briefings. Several Democrats agreed said they were told of the program, but did not know the full details and had concerns.

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Senator Reid - Congress is corrupt

[But first, guess I'm going to have to start watching FOX news - American television's answer to yellow journalism! I've noticed lately that whenever someone from either party makes a newsworthy statement, it is usually made first on FOX.

This makes me wonder why the evil MainStream Media which is supposed to be 'liberal' isn't capturing those headlines... Could it be that those MSM's are neither liberal nor conservative but rather simply practicing non-controversial capitalism. I'm sure that advertisers don't like boats which rock.

For example, conservative talking heads have been blaming their nemesis, the ACLU for just about everything including the taking of Christmas out of Christmas. (If anyone is interested, all they have to do is look up the ACLU case-load at their website to see what they are really about.)

It is true that there is more ‘Happy Holidays' replacing ‘Merry Christmas' by brick and mortar retailers but that is undoubtedly prompted more by being averse to upsetting any potential customer who has a buck in his pocket rather than a concerted effort to eliminate Christianity.

The day will come when FOX which is also supported by advertisers will become like the rest in its quest for even greater market share and avoid controversy. It would be nice if PBS would expand its news efforts since it isn't market driven, but that would be tough for PBS since it doesn't have world-wide news gathering ability. ...AG]

Sen. Reid calls US Congress 'most corrupt in history'
By Thomas Ferraro

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid called the Republican-led Congress "the most corrupt in history" on Sunday, and distanced himself from lobbyist Jack Abramoff, at the center of an escalating probe.

The Justice Department is investigating whether Jack Abramoff directed illegal payoffs to lawmakers, including Rep. Tom DeLay of Texas, who was forced to step down as House Republican leader in September after indicted in his home state of Texas on unrelated charges.

"Don't lump me in with Jack Abramoff. This is a Republican scandal," Reid told Fox News Sunday, saying he never received any money from Abramoff.

Reid, like many members of Congress, Democrats and Republicans, has received campaign contributions from Abramoff clients. Some lawmakers have returned those donations, but Reid gave no indication he would do so.

The Securities and Exchange Commission has been examining stock sales by Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, a Tennessee Republican, and last month Randy "Duke" Cunningham, a California Republican, resigned from the House after pleading guilty of taking more than $2.4 million in bribes involving defense contracts.

Democrats have accused Republicans of "a culture of corruption," and plan to make it an issue in next year's congressional elections.

"America can do better than what we've done," said Reid. "The most corrupt Congress in the history of the country. We have such significant problems with what's going on in this country."

Most of the federal investigative focus is now on Abramoff, whose lobbying activities, particularly on behalf of Indian tribal clients, are also being examined by Congress.

Appearing on Fox TV, Reid said, "Abramoff gave me no money. His firm gave me no money. He may have worked (at) a firm where people have given me money."

A Reid aide later explained that the senator received money from a political action committee affiliated with a firm where Abramoff had worked, but Abramoff did not contribute to it.

"I feel totally at ease that I haven't done anything that is even close to being wrong," Reid said.

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Merrrrry Christmas.....

My dear Friends,
AS 2005 ends I want to send this word of thanks to all my email friends!

You are all special to me and I appreciate and love each and everyone of you!!!

But especially, my heartfelt thanks goes out to all those who have taken their time and trouble to send me "forwards" over the past 12 months. Thank you for making me feel safe, secure, blessed, and wealthy.

Extra thanks to whoever sent me the one about rat crap in the glue on envelopes cause I now have to go get a wet towel every time I need to seal an envelope.

Also, I scrub the top of every can I open for the same reason.

Because of your concern I no longer drink Coca Cola because it can remove toilet stains.

I no longer drink Pepsi or Dr Pepper since the people who make these products are atheists who refuse to put "Under God" on their cans.

I no longer use Saran wrap in the microwave because it causes cancer.

I no longer check the coin return on pay phones because I could be pricked with a needle infected with AIDS.

I no longer use deodorant! Since it causes cancer, even though I smell like a water buffalo on a hot day.

I no longer go to shopping malls because someone might drug me with a perfume sample and rob me and take my kidneys, leaving me naked and semiconcious in a bathtub full of ice.

I no longer receive packages from nor send packages by UPS or FedEx since they are actually Al Qaeda in disguise.

I no longer answer the phone because someone will ask me to dial a number for which I will get a phone bill with calls to Jamaica, Uganda, Singapore, and Uzbekistan.

I no longer eat KFC because their "chickens" are actually horrible mutant freaks with no eyes or feathers.

I no longer have any sneakers -- but that will change once I receive my free replacement pair from Nike.

I no longer have to buy expensive cookies from Neiman Marcus since I now have their recipe.

I no longer worry about my soul because at last count I have 363,214 angels looking out for me.

Thanks to you, I have learned that God only answers my prayers if I forward an e-mail to seven of my friends and make a wish within five minutes.

I no longer have any money - but that will change once I receive the $15,000 that Microsoft and AOL are sending me for participating in their special email program.

Yes, I want to thank you so much for looking out for me that I will now return the favor!

If you don't send this e-mail to at least 144,000 people in the next 7 minutes, a large pigeon with a wicked case of diarrhea will land on your head at 5:00 PM (CDT) this afternoon. I know this will occur because it actually happened to a friend of my next door neighbor's ex-mother-in-law's second husband's cousin's beautician.
(Who can probably be found in the 1930 census)

This message is intended only for the named recipient and may contain confidential, proprietary or legally privileged information. No confidentiality or privilege is waived or lost by any misdirected transmission. If you received this message in error, please notify us immediately by telephone at 314 292-2000 and immediately delete this message from your system. If you are not the intended recipient, you must not use, disclose, distribute or copy any part of this message.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Lots to talk about today.....

There was a lot of news today which I thought interesting - and I made my comments. Since you rarely make comments on my comments - or even read them for that matter, I've bundled the various news items into one thread which you can comment on if, surprisingly, you wish to. I think we can figure out which you are commenting on and you can jump around with your [ctl][f] buttons:

>Williams' Death Doesn't End Debate on Life
>Pentagon may be spying on anti-war activists - NBC
>American Red Cross President Resigns
>Specter seeks Alito's views on power of precedent
>Ford caught in public relations quagmire

Williams' Death Doesn't End Debate on Life
By KIM CURTIS, Associated Press

[You can read what I think of this, this time, at the end of the article...AG]

SAN FRANCISCO - The argument over whether convicted killer Stanley Tookie Williams was a man of peace or a death-row con artist raged on after his execution Tuesday, with supporters announcing they would give him a funeral "befitting a statesman."

The 51-year-old founder of the bloody Crips gang died by injection at San Quentin Prison just after midnight for the murders of four people in two 1979 holdups, professing his innocence to the very end, even when an admission of guilt might have helped save his life.

His last, best hope was an act of mercy by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger. But the governor was unconvinced by Williams' supporters — several Hollywood stars among them — who argued that he had redeemed himself behind bars with memoirs, children's books and lectures against the dangers of gang life.

After the execution, Williams' supporters vowed to continue his work to discourage youngsters from following in his footsteps, and promised another book from writings he left behind.

"If they think they succeeded by killing him in getting people to forget about him, they have done just the opposite," said Barbara Becnel, his collaborator and most vocal supporter.

Williams declined to make a final statement as he went to his death.

He seemed frustrated by the time it took officials to insert the intravenous lines into the former bodybuilder's muscular arms. At one point, Williams uttered something to the nurse and offered to help, said Steve Ornoski, the warden. About 15 minutes after the process began, he appeared to ask: "You doing that right?"

Williams refused a sedative, said Becnel, one of the witnesses. She said he was "brave and strong and he was everything we believed him to be."

Other witnesses included Rudy Langlais, executive producer of "Redemption: The Stanley Tookie Williams Story," a TV movie starring Jamie Foxx.

Joan Baez, who sang "Swing Low, Sweet Chariot" outside the prison, called the execution "planned, efficient, calculated, antiseptic, cold-blooded murder."

But another one of the witnesses, Lora Owens, stepmother of one of the four people Williams was convicted of killing, told ABC: "I believe it was a just punishment long overdue."

The execution also drew fierce criticism in Europe, where politicians in Schwarzenegger's native Austria called for his name to be removed from a sports stadium in his hometown.

"Schwarzenegger has a lot of muscles, but apparently not much heart," said Julien Dray, spokesman for the Socialist Party in France, where the death penalty was abolished in 1981.

Williams was condemned in 1981 for using a sawed-off shot gun to kill 7-Eleven clerk Albert Owens, 26, in Whittier. Weeks later, he killed Yen-I Yang, 76, Tsai-Shai Chen Yang, 63, and the couple's daughter Yu-Chin Yang Lin, 43, at the Los Angeles motel they owned.

In denying clemency, Schwarzenegger said Williams had failed to atone for his crimes, and questioned whether claim of redemption was just a ploy. The governor also questioned the effectiveness of Williams' anti-gang rhetoric.

"It is hard to assess the effect of such efforts in concrete terms, but the continued pervasiveness of gang violence leads one to question the efficacy of Williams' message," Schwarzenegger said. "Williams co-founded the Crips, a notorious street gang that has contributed and continues to contribute to predatory and exploitative violence."

Becnel said she was planning a memorial service "befitting a statesman" for Sunday or Monday in Los Angeles. She said Williams asked to be cremated and have his ashes spread in South Africa. Foxx and rapper Snoop Dogg are expected to attend, she said.

Snoop Dogg, a former Crips member, spoke to Williams by telephone about two hours before his death and talked about the book they planned to write about sharing wisdom among black men — father to son, grandfather to grandson.

"Stanley had the credibility to be heard when speaking out about gang violence," Snoop Dogg said. "We will remember Tookie for what he stood for in the end, and hopefully, we have brought enough light to his story that others can be influenced and inspired to change their ways as well."

[Maybe this is the difference between being a "liberal" and a "progressive." (I personally am progressive, but not very liberal.)

I sat up and watched CNN last night far beyond my bedtime during the execution of Williams. I heard every detail of the episode from a bevy of reporter/witnesses. It was awkward but not very emotional and he died much as I think I would under similar circumstances - with as much pride as possible.

I can't believe such crap by Hollywood notables in the support of this man! Williams was a murderer of four people who might be alive today if he hadn't killed them - and at least in one case for $100 bucks?! Despite his lawyers best efforts over the past twenty years or so they couldn't convince anyone that he didn't commit those crimes and although he never confessed to those crimes, alluded to the fact that he had done as much and actually didn't blame the system for putting him away.

Redemption? No way! There is no such thing as redemption (unless you're Catholic). The basics of "a tooth for a tooth" is a socially valid method for any society. By that I mean that if Bill Gates murdered his mother the fact that he also gave a billion dollars to AIDs research and treatment would not in the slightest absolve him of his crime. What the TFT policy does in any civilization is to let all citizens know that what ever they might do to another citizen can and will be done to them. In more popular parlance "whatever goes around, comes around." And, of course, there is the old colloquialism, "one gets what he deserves."

Now, there are those who question the right of a society to execute those who have greatly exceeded the limits and rules of social behavior dictated by the society. They call it ‘murder'. And in some societies as viewed by different societies, that may be true. But then, one has to look to the crime and the punishment to determine whether it is an execution or simply murder.

I suspect that any reasonable person would objectively say that the killing of a murderer by any society is an execution whereas the killing of a person for political non-lethal reasons is murder. So you see, that life is not that complicated if you don't get caught up in the emotional aspects and spin of the subject.

I'm sure that there might be some who would say that the problem is racial and that it might not have happened to him had he not been black. Well, it turns out that since the death penalty was re-instituted in California there have been eleven people euthanized. Two of them were black, one was Hispanic and the remaining eight were white.

Bottom line: Williams deserved to be executed and he knew it. He also got twenty years of life his victims didn't - and I'm quickly learning that life is not infinate.


Pentagon may be spying on anti-war activists - NBC

[So maybe ‘big brother' is indeed monitoring Footprints! Don't hold your breath fellow conspirators because "We're, (mostly Dee and me - you first Dee, of course), are pretty small potatoes as we used to say in the old west.

So what else is new? Anyone with an ounce of brains would assume that the Pentagon is monitoring anything and everything they can - that is their job security (job security). And, of course, the Internet is - or should be - duck soup for them!

So Pentagon: I was against the unwarranted attack on Iraq from the very beginning! Despite my political representatives beliefs because they were hoodwinked in the lies and deceits presented by the Bush administration, I knew better and was, as you well know, right!

The Pentagon was not able to push Clinton into an attack on Iraq in the 90's after Old man Bush refused to go in and take the country over but after 9/11 they were able to con dumb-dumb to
finally do it. One wonders who it is who really is in charge of the Pentagon and in essence, the entire military power of the US which we all agree is "AWESOME!" (and it should be, we're paying for it!)

This is reminiscent of the Wizard of Oz when it all turned out to be – Rumsfeld? or Cheney? or how about Rove? OR how about all three of them together? ...AG]

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Pentagon has a secret database that indicates the U.S. military may be collecting information on Americans who oppose the Iraq war and may be also monitoring peace demonstrations, NBC reported on Tuesday.

The database, obtained by the network, lists 1,500 "suspicious incidents" across the United States over a 10-month period and includes four dozen anti-war meetings or protests, some aimed at military recruiting, NBC's Nightly News said.

The network said the document was the first inside look at how the Pentagon has stepped up intelligence collection in the United States since the September 11, 2001, attacks.

The report quoted what it said was a secret briefing document as concluding: "We have noted increased communication between protest groups using the Internet," but not a "significant connection" between incidents.

Americans have been wary of any monitoring of anti-war activities since the Vietnam era when it was learned that the Pentagon spied on anti-war and civil rights groups and individuals. Congress held hearings in the 1970s and recommended strict limits on military spying inside the United States.

A Pentagon spokesman declined to comment on the NBC report about the database. However, he said: "The Department of Defense uses counterintelligence and law enforcement information properly collected by law enforcement agencies.

"The use of this information is subject to strict limitations, particularly the information must be related to missions relating to protection of DoD installations, interests and personnel," he added.

The Pentagon has already acknowledged the existence of a counterintelligence program known as the "Threat and Local Observation Notice" (TALON) reporting system.

This system, the Pentagon said, is designed to gather "non-validated threat information and security anomalies indicative of possible terrorist pre-attack activity."


American Red Cross President Resigns

[Well, I don't want to dump on the Red Cross simply because everyone else does and, frankly, what else is there? On the other hand, I'm a small time giver to charity if for no other reason than I have family who deservedly or not requires help. However, I also believe that charity begins at home and there are plenty of needy here in Kingman - as I'm sure there are in your own home towns wherever you are - so why send your charity out of town? ...AG]

NEW YORK - American Red Cross President Marsha Evans announced her resignation Tuesday because of friction with the board of governors, shortly before witnesses and lawmakers at a congressional hearing assailed the charity's response to Hurricane Katrina.

Red Cross spokesman Charles Connor said the board was not unhappy with Evans' handling of the hurricane crisis, "but had concerns about her management approach, and coordination and communication with the board." It was the second time in three years that such feuding led to a leadership change after a national disaster.

At the hearing in Washington, lawmakers said the Red Cross's uneven response to Katrina calls for major changes in how the charity coordinates with local groups, handles its finances and distributes aid to the disabled. A Louisiana congressman even suggested the possibility of stripping the Red Cross of its dominant role in major relief campaigns.

Jack McGuire, executive vice president of the charity's Biomedical Services, was named to serve as interim president while a search for Evans' permanent successor is conducted.

A former Navy rear admiral who previously ran the Girl Scouts of the USA, Evans took over at the Red Cross in August 2002 as the organization was shaking off criticism of how it handled some donations sent in response to the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks.

Evans's predecessor, Dr. Bernadine Healy, said she was forced to resign partly because of disagreements with the board over whether money coming in after Sept. 11 should be placed in a separate fund or a general disaster fund. Some donors were upset that $200 million was set aside for future terrorist incidents.

Healy, now a health columnist with U.S. News & World Report, said in a telephone interview that her departure and Evans' removal reflected serious problems in how the 50-member Red Cross board addresses its internal conflicts and clashes with its top executives.

"You can't have 50 people making decisions," Healy said. "The Red Cross is a public treasure that belongs to America and must serve America. Until these governance problems can be sorted out, it won't be able to do so effectively."

She noted that the Red Cross is chartered by Congress, and the U.S. president is its honorary chairman. "The only people who can fix it are at that level," she said. [Who? Bush? Ya gotta be kidding!. ...AG]

After the Sept. 11 donation dispute, the Red Cross promised greater accountability. But the unprecedented challenges posed by this year's hurricanes raised new problems.

Critics said the Red Cross failed to respond quickly enough in some low-income, minority areas; others faulted it for balking at cooperation with grass-roots organizations even as it collected the bulk of hurricane relief funds — more than $1.8 billion to date.

On the positive side, the group mobilized roughly 220,000 volunteers in response to the hurricanes, accommodated hundreds of thousands of evacuees in shelters, and provided financial aid to about 1.2 million families.

Evans, 58, acknowledged in September that the organization's response to Katrina and Hurricane Rita had been uneven, saying the destructive power of the storms "eclipsed even our direst, worst-case scenarios."

In recent weeks, the organization has vowed to address some of the criticisms by seeking greater diversity within its ranks and establishing partnerships with local groups.

At the congressional hearing, Rep. Jim McCrery, a Louisiana Republican, called on Congress to reconsider whether to continue giving the Red Cross a lead role in responding to natural disasters. Having such a designation gave the organization a substantial boost in fundraising, absorbing about 60 percent of all donations, he said.

"If it is not the responsibility of the National Red Cross to step in when a Category 4 hurricane decimates a major metropolitan area and overwhelms one of their local chapters, whose responsibility is it?" asked McCrery.

Joseph C. Becker, senior vice president for response and preparedness for the Red Cross, said the group did its best. "We chose to help those whom we could without delay, while striving to serve all who needed us," he said.

Evans said in a message to her colleagues that she had been thinking about leaving the Red Cross earlier, but stayed on after Katrina struck to "lead our pivotal response to that epic tragedy."

Bonnie McElveen-Hunter, who chairs the Red Cross board, praised Evans' performance, including a reorganization at the Washington headquarters and a strengthening of local disaster response practices. Her statement did not elaborate on the board's friction with Evans.

Paul Light, a professor of public service at New York University, said the rapid turnover at the helm of the Red Cross raised serious questions about the board of governors, which he described as too large and disjointed. "Sacking the president isn't the panacea for what ails the Red Cross," he said.

He said the group needs to upgrade its technology and organization, and recruit new volunteers "who are representative of the communities hit hardest by disasters."

McGuire, the interim leader, has been with the Red Cross since March 2004; he previously was president of Whatman, PLC North America, a British-based manufacturer.

As head of Biomedical Services for the Red Cross, he has sought to improve relations with the
Food and Drug Administration, which has charged the Red Cross with repeatedly violating federal safety rules in its handling of blood collection.

Specter seeks Alito's views on power of precedent

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Senate Republican who will preside over Judge Samuel Alito's Supreme Court confirmation hearings next month asked him on Tuesday about the role of precedent in key aspects of criminal law and religious freedom of expression.

While much of the public debate over Alito has focused on abortion, Pennsylvania Republican Arlen Specter, who chairs the Senate Judiciary committee, wrote to Alito urging him to be prepared during next month's hearings to discuss his judicial philosophy regarding the implications of overturning a long-standing Supreme Court precedent.

President George W. Bush chose Alito, an appeals court judge, to succeed Sandra Day O'Connor, who is retiring. The nomination has attracted intense scrutiny because Alito, who has a more conservative record than O'Connor, could potentially swing the court to the right.

Specter's five-page letter addressed the "Miranda" warnings to criminal suspects, rules governing when improperly seized evidence must be excluded from a trial, and the racial composition of juries. Alito's dissent in a case about jurors' race has drawn criticism from liberal and civil rights groups.

Specter also outlined several potential areas of questioning in cases involving religious minorities, and he noted that Alito had often upheld their rights. Specter cited one case in which a police force did not allow Sunni Muslim officers to wear beards as required by their religion, while permitting other officers to grow beards because they had skin conditions that made shaving difficult.

On precedent, Specter asked Alito if he agreed with Chief Justice John Roberts' statement that overturning a precedent could be a "jolt" to the legal system, and what the consequences to the "national culture" could be.

With the Senate back at work after a long Thanksgiving break, Alito resumed his courtesy calls on Senators. The full Senate is expected to hold votes on Alito in late January.


Ford caught in public relations quagmire
By Poornima Gupta

DETROIT (Reuters) - Ford Motor Co. is caught in an ideological divide between a Christian conservative group and gay rights advocates over its advertising plans, adding a public relations nightmare to the set of problems it needs to fix.

Ford said last week its Jaguar and Land Rover luxury brands will pull all advertising from gay publications after facing a boycott threat from the American Family Association, which has criticized the automaker for being gay-friendly.

Gay advocates are now pressuring the No. 2 U.S. automaker to reverse its decision and distance itself from AFA. Senior Ford executives met with the leadership of national gay and lesbian organizations on Monday in Washington, D.C.

"We have asked that Ford repudiate its relationship with this extremist group, reinstate its advertising of Jaguar and Land Rover and continue investing in organizations working for equality," Joe Solmonese, president of the Human Rights Campaign, the largest U.S. gay rights organization, said in a statement after the meeting.

While Ford said the ads were being pulled as a result of cost cutting, the perception that Ford agreed to anti-gay demands from the AFA has drawn protests from gay groups across the United States.

Ford has made no commitment to review its decision to drop the ads.

The automaker needs to clearly communicate to consumers the reason behind the decision, said Judy Phair, president of Public Relations Society of America and PhairAdvantage Communications, a Washington, D.C.-area marketing consulting firm.

"They have gotten caught in the cross-fire of a cultural battle," Phair said. "It's about cars, it's not about lifestyle choices, that's what they have to keep emphasizing."

Ford -- which is working with Washington D.C.-based public relations firm Whiteck-Combs Communications to navigate the issue -- is not the first company to come under fire over its stance on homosexuals.

Other large companies including Microsoft Corp. and Walt Disney Co. have also found themselves trying to appease groups on both sides of the cultural divide.

"Part of it has to do with increased polarization," Phair said, adding that gay rights is "a real hot-button issue."

The controversy comes at a bad time for Ford, which is in the middle of planning a restructuring strategy to turn around its money-losing North American vehicle operations.

Ford, which has seen its U.S. sales fall in all but two of the last 18 months, needs both conservative Christians and gay consumers to buy its vehicles, Dave Cole, chairman of the Center for Automotive Research, told Reuters.

"It's a typical Catch-22 situation," Cole said. "There is often no middle ground to work on and what Ford is trying to do is find that middle ground."

The AFA had called for a boycott of the automaker's vehicles in May, but suspended the move in June for six months after talks with Ford dealers, and now has ended it altogether.

"We value all people -- regardless of their race, religion, gender, sexual orientation and cultural or physical differences," Ford Chairman and Chief Executive Bill Ford Jr. said in a statement released after the meeting with gay rights groups.

Ford spokeswoman Kathleen Vokes said on Tuesday the company had no further comment.

"It's one of those kinds of situations where there is no place to win," Cole said.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Why not eliminate AIDS?

Annan: 'We must do far, far more' against AIDS
By Ellen Wulfhorst

[In my opinion, I'm wondering why people aren't concerned about AIDS. After all, it is killing millions of men, women and children all over the world - is anything worse? You may read Ellen's article below, but first.....

People were upset on 9/11 when terrorists destroyed the twin towers in New York City despite the fact that many if not most people don't even like New Yorkers! The whole world was willing to pitch in and help defeat terrorism - and in fact, if not for Iraq, with the world community's help, it probably would have been defeated by now! The world's people were in fact afraid that they could become the victims of terrorism in all of its imaginable forms!

So why isn't most of the world concerned about AIDS?

Well, you can point fingers at the Catholics who don't believe in people using condoms or any other form of contraceptives. You can point your fingers at Christians who think homosexuality is a sin and God, whoever He is, is merely meting out his punishment to the fallen few. You can point your fingers at those who consider black Africans as super apes who have been reproducing like rabbits and dying like rats for centuries and are really of little consequence in the ascent of man. You may even point your fingers at those who feel the world is grossly overpopulated in the first place and that this is nature's way of ‘thinning the herd'.

And you can point your fingers at perhaps the majority who know for a certainty that they will never get AIDS and that it is too bad but at least it is one disease they know with a certainty they will never get.

If you don't believe me, consider the news reports of the slow but sure advance of the dreaded bird flu which is predicted to kill millions. But millions have already died of HIV which receives only luke-warm attention. However, bird flu is getting everyone's attention! Why? Because the bird flu has nothing to do with ‘bad' sex nor does it have anything to do with God - but it does have something to do with all of us - we are all vulnerable - and we could die!

We are born, live for awhile and finally die. It has always been so whether we started in a cave or a mud hut somewhere or in a palace built upon the backs of slaves. We huddle together in our small groups joined into larger societies only for our mutual protection. We do this, not for altruism or real personal care for the group, but for our own personal individual security and insured survival. It is a mutual but very selfish bargain we all make with the other members of our group.

That is the reason we refuse to disband our armies even when we have, or could have through negotiation, no enemies. An army is our social ‘blankie' we have to have it to sleep at night because it has always been this way - it is in our survival programming.

So what does this have to do with AIDS and the horrible death of millions of the unlucky? Why? It is very simple! We are not threatened by AIDS. We will never get AIDS. We may feel some passing compassion for those who are dying of AIDS but lets face it, compassion is not our primary business in surviving and is generally reserved for our own families - certainly not ‘them'........... AG]

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Around the globe, leaders, activists and victims used World AIDS Day on Thursday to send the message that far stronger action is needed in the battle against the disease that kills millions of people every year.

The United Nation's special envoy for AIDS in Africa proposed big business dedicate a portion of profits to the fight, French President Jacques Chirac suggested schools install condom vending machines and Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh called on people to talk openly about safe sex.

The number of people living with HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, has reached its highest level with an estimated 40.3 million people, UNAIDS Executive Director Peter Piot said. Nearly half of them are women.

"We must do far, far more," U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan said. "It is time to recognize that although our response so far has succeeded in some of the particulars, it has yet to match the epidemic in scale."

Others, including U.S. President George W. Bush, noted what progress had been made. Speaking in Washington, he said U.S. efforts were helping 400,000 people in sub-Saharan Africa get treatment.

With just over 10 percent of the world's population, sub-Saharan Africa is home to more than 60 percent of all people infected with HIV. Africa saw about 3.2 million of the almost 5 million new infections recorded in 2005.

"These countries, and many others, are fighting for the lives of their citizens, and America is now their strongest partner in that fight," he said. The 400,000 getting treatment, he said, was up from 50,000 two years ago.

However, critics including senior U.N. officials say Bush's emphasis on abstinence-only programs has hobbled efforts by playing down the role of condoms.

Taking up the cause of promoting condom use to prevent infection with the HIV virus that causes AIDS, officials in Buenos Aires covered the city's most famous landmark, the obelisk, with a giant pink condom.

"It seemed like we could have the biggest impact by putting a condom on the most important symbol of the city," said Sandra Castillo, an organizer of the campaign.

AIDS killed 66,000 Latin Americans in the past year, according to a U.N. report.

From Vatican City, Pope Benedict said programs based on promoting abstinence and marital fidelity were seeing success, saying "statistics taken in several regions of Africa confirm the results of policies based on continence, the promotion of faithfulness in marriage and the importance of family life."

But the pope did not specify the regions or the statistics, and he avoided a specific mention of the Roman Catholic Church's controversial ban on condoms.

"The international response to HIV and AIDS was woefully slow. This is one of the scars on the conscience of our generation," said U.N. General Assembly President Jan Eliasson in remarks prepared for a ceremony in New York.

"We cannot turn back the clock. But we must ensure that, when historians look at the way the world responded to HIV and AIDS, they see that 2006 was the year when the international community finally stepped up to the mark," he said.

"This vast human tragedy is all the more unacceptable because it could have been avoided."

In New York, activists stood by City Hall and solemnly read the names of deceased AIDS victims aloud. The Empire State Building, typically lit in bright holiday hues of red and green at this time of year, was set to go dark for 15 minutes to mark World AIDS Day.

Stephen Lewis, the U.N. special envoy for AIDS in Africa, called upon on major corporations to contribute 0.7 percent of pretax profits to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS.

The fund "is in terrible trouble" after increases promised by the Group of 8 industrialized nations in July failed to materialize, he said.

"We need a new source of dollars," he said in a statement. "That source must be the private sector."

The United Nations has long called on wealthy nations to donate 0.7 percent of gross domestic product for development aid every year.

African AIDS patients criticized politicians for failing to take adequate measures.

"Money earmarked for HIV/AIDS has gone into everything else but AIDS," said Meris Kafusi, a 64-year-old AIDS patient in Tanzania who only recently began receiving life-prolonging antiretroviral drugs that are widespread in the West.

"Organizations that say they are dealing with AIDS are always in seminars or workshops. They should be buying food for widows and orphans ... Is this fair?"

Lobby group Africa Action targeted pharmaceutical companies. "The prices charged by pharmaceutical companies, and the policies pursued by rich countries at their behest, continue to keep life-saving treatment out of reach for those most affected by HIV/AIDS," said Salih Booker, Africa Action's executive director.

Politicians say taboos need to be broken to tackle AIDS.

In India, which says it has 5.13 million people with HIV/AIDS, the second largest number after South Africa, Singh called on people to shed the inhibitions that keep them from talking about sex.

"This, quite obviously, has to change if we are to succeed in creating awareness of the hazards of unsafe sexual practices," he said.

(Additional reporting by Irwin Arieff at the United Nations, Louise Egan in Buenos Aires and Andrew Quinn in Johannesburg))

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Post-Katrina Poll > Poverty over Terrorism

Post-Katrina Poll Finds Americans Prioritizing Poverty over Terrorism
Haider Rizvi, OneWorld US

[It seems to me that poverty and poor education is an ongoing problem in this country which has nothing to do with storms like Katrina regardless of their devastation. In fact the emphasis on Katrina is counter productive because it implies that if we fix the Gulf Coast, then everything will be hunky-dory until the next disaster and we can simply continue on ignoring our social problems. More comments are embedded below... AG]

NEW YORK, Nov 24 (OneWorld) - It's the growing rate of poverty in the United States--not Washington's global war on terrorism--that most people of color are concerned about, according to a new nationwide opinion poll conducted by an independent civil rights group.

The multilingual survey suggests that a vast majority of Blacks, Latinos, and Asian Americans strongly believe that ending poverty should be on top of the government's agenda, not fighting wars in foreign lands, such as Iraq and Afghanistan.

Those who considered tackling poverty to be the country's number one priority included 58 percent of Blacks, 43 percent of Hispanics, 38 percent of Asians and 36 percent of non-Hispanic Whites, according to the poll results.

[Those numbers are terrible! One would think that since poverty affects those groups more than European stock, that the percentages would be up in the 70' and 80's at least! It certainly does not jibe with the second paragraph above. And.... what the hell is a non-Hispanic White? Would that include me and Tonto - or just my granddaughters? ...AG]

Pollsters believe that the devastating effects of Hurricane Katrina and the painful images of hopelessness and suffering of the victims have made a large impact on many Americans.

"I don't remember poverty ever finishing as the number one priority on any kind of list," says Sergio Bendixen, who runs Bendixen and Associates, the private firm that conducted the polls for New California Media (NCM), a group representing more than 700 ethnic media organizations.

NCM says the poll was focused on gauging Katrina's impact on public opinion on four national issues: the eradication of poverty in the United States, racial discrimination, the environment and climate change, and the government's ability to deal with catastrophic events.

The results were released in Washington last week at a briefing cosponsored by NCM, the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights, and the Center for American Progress.

Pollsters say that the largest portion of respondents from all four major ethnic and racial groups agreed that the reconstruction of the Gulf Coast and the official share of rebuilding efforts should be financed by "getting our troops out of Iraq as soon as possible."

They included 77 percent of Blacks, 69 percent of Hispanics, and 60 percent of Asians, as well as a plurality of non-Hispanic Whites. The respondents endorsed the strategy of withdrawal over "raising taxes," "cutting government funding for health and education programs," and "borrowing more money from foreign countries."

The poll, entitled "Lessons of Katrina: America's Major National and Ethnic Groups Find Common Ground After the Storm," is based on interviews with 1035 people in Spanish, English, Korean, Vietnamese, Cantonese, and Mandarin.

Pre-Katrina studies show that the Latino and Black populations in the United States, the largest minorities with 37 and 36 million people, respectively, continue to suffer from economic hardships. (SOURCE IF NEEDED: PUBLIC POLICY INSTITUTE OF CALIFORNIA).

According to official figures from the Census Bureau, about 33 million U.S. residents live below the poverty line, including women, children, and the elderly who are most likely to suffer from hunger. Currently, the U.S. government is spending around $400 billion a year on defense, while allocating only $16 billion to welfare.

[I hate to bite the hand that feeds me but my entire financial well-being is/was based upon the wasteful Defense Department allocations throughout the long and very profitable ‘cold war.' Otherwise, with my limited abilities to dig ditches (or anything else constructive), I would probably have had to tap into the welfare budget also... AG]

The outcome of debates in Washington over the next fiscal year's budgetary allocations has left no sign of hope for the poor. The administration is rather making it harder for the poor to qualify for the Food Stamp Program, for example.

A budget-reducing bill that passed the House of Representatives suggests that in the next five years cuts would remove childcare subsidies for more than 300,000 low-income working families as well.

Moreover, the Bush administration is proposing changes in its budgetary policy that would reduce Medicaid by nearly $30 billion over 10 years, according to the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO).

Though mindful that the current administration's economic policy would further hurt the poor, activists fighting for economic and social justice appear to be pleased with the results of the NCM polls.

"Americans seem genuinely to want something done about poverty in this nation," says Wade Henderson of the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights, who thinks that dramatic images of tens of thousands of poor families "might have changed the American perception on poverty."

But Henderson is not yet convinced that these perceptions will last. "It remains to be seen whether this view will be fleeting and episodic, or whether it represents a real watershed of public opinion," he cautioned

On how minorities responded to the pollsters' questions in the wake of the Katrina tragedy, Henderson's colleague Karen Lawson reflects in a different way. "We have the chance to address the issues of poverty and racial isolation," she says. "But that opportunity exists only if we work to take advantage of it."

"We cannot let the history of Katrina be that for a few days America seemed to care about poor people, but we lacked the staying power to make a difference in their lives and the lives of their children."

[Finally the Sermon: Don't be too optimistic about anything being done about poverty. The very people who are hurt the most - the ethnic poor - don't vote! They most certainly have the power in numbers, but they are either too dumb or have developed such fatalistic attitudes towards government that they refuse to participate. A few well-meaning, over educated and comfortably affluent whites can't do it for them against an unregulated Capitalistic system backed up by a contorted interpretation of the Christian Bible which emphasizes personal greed over compassion. ...AG]

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Ex-DeLay Aide Cooperating in Bribery Probe

Ex-DeLay Aide Cooperating in Bribery Probe
By PETE YOST, Associated Press Writer Tue Nov 22

[AG: I think this is very interesting and just the beginning of a bigger scandal in the House of Representatives. The spin put on it by Rep. Bob Ney's office that he was ‘one of the people defrauded' seems strange since he was the one who took the bribes - I think that is against the law - even for Congressmen!

Doesn't one wonder just how many other of ‘the people's representatives' are guilty of the same crime. Seems to me that it should be very simple to go over the records of everyone in Congress to see who took ‘expense paid' or ‘free' trips paid for by lobbyists. That is of course, bribery, and about the worst thing a representative of the people can do!

FYI: According to ‘Wikipedia,' In 1980, Michael Myers was expelled for accepting bribes and James Traficant was expelled in 2002 following his conviction for corruption. The House also has the power to censure its members; censure requires only a simple majority, but does not remove a member from office.

These are the only two congressmen to be removed in the entire history of Congress (not counting the Civil War) for criminal acts. It must be that others I know of must have resigned.

I'm sure this particular scandal involves only Republicans, but there probably are other lobbyists who work the Democrats in similar fashion.

I should mention that the following piece was so badly chopped up by author Yost that I re-organized it into a coherent form for your reading pleasure. ...AG]

WASHINGTON - (AP) A former aide to Rep. Tom DeLay who pleaded guilty in a federal bribery probe involving members of Congress has been cooperating with prosecutors since July.

(DeLay, R-Texas, is among those facing scrutiny for his associations with Abramoff, including a trip to Scotland and use of Abramoff's skybox at a Washington sports arena.

DeLay, who relinquished his post as House majority leader after a separate indictment in Texas, is due in court Tuesday in Austin for a hearing seeking dismissal of conspiracy and money laundering charges.)

The disclosure about Michael Scanlon, who also is an ex-partner of lobbyist Jack Abramoff, comes in an investigation of $80 million that the two men collected between 2001 and 2004 from six Indian tribes with casinos.

On Friday, Scanlon was charged with conspiracy. On Monday, the Justice Department's statement of facts which Scanlon signed went beyond the earlier charging document, revealing that by means of trips, tickets to sporting events and campaign contributions Scanlon and Abramoff "provided a stream of things of value to public officials in exchange for a series of official acts." [i.e.: BRIBERY]

"Guilty, your honor," Scanlon told the judge when asked how he was pleading. Scanlon pleaded guilty Monday to conspiring to bribe public officials. Under the plea before U.S. District Judge Ellen Segal Huvelle, Scanlon will pay restitution totaling more than $19 million to Indian tribes that he admitted had been defrauded. Scanlon could face up to five years in prison.

"There have been a lot of conversations" between Scanlon and federal prosecutors over the past five months, Scanlon attorney Plato Cacheris said Monday night. "He had a lot to say."

In the Scanlon plea, documents filed with the court say the items to one unidentified congressman or his staff included all-expense-paid trips to the Northern Marianas Islands in 2000, a trip to the Super Bowl in Tampa., Fla., in 2001 and a golf trip to Scotland in 2002.

The statement of facts that Scanlon signed said that he and Abramoff — identified in the document as Lobbyist A —
provided items to public officials in exchange for:
  1. agreements to support and pass legislation,
  2. agreements to place statements in the Congressional Record,
  3. agreements to contact personnel in the United States Executive Branch agencies and offices to influence decisions of those agencies and offices."

A representative of the Inspector General's office in the Interior Department was seated at the table of prosecutors.

The court documents said a senior staffer for "Representative No. 1" and others traveled to the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands in January 2000 to assist Abramoff and his company in maintaining lobbying clients; Representative No. 1 as the co-chairman of a conference committee of House and Senate members agreed to introduce legislation that would lift existing federal bans against commercial gaming for two Indian tribes in Texas that were Abramoff clients; and that Representative No. 1 met with a California tribe to discuss the congressman's agreement to assist in passing legislation regarding taxation of certain payments received by members of the California tribe.

Based on information already placed on the public record by the Senate Indian Affairs Committee, the congressman is Rep. Bob Ney, R-Ohio.

In a statement, Ney's office said, "All that this plea agreement shows is that Mr. Scanlon had a deliberate, secret, and well-concealed scheme to defraud many people, and it appears, unfortunately, that Rep. Ney was one of the many people defrauded."

Many of the things suggested to have occurred in the plea agreement "did not actually take place," Ney's office said. "Whenever Rep. Ney took official action, actions similar to those taken by elected representatives every day as part of the normal, appropriate government process, he did so based on his best understanding of what was right and not based on any improper influence."

The court documents that Scanlon signed say he had a fee-splitting arrangement with Abramoff that was kept secret from the tribes because disclosure likely would have jeopardized the arrangement. Lobbyist A, the court papers said, encouraged his existing clients to hire Scanlon's firm for grass roots and public relations services, while discouraging the clients from seeking competitive pricing and proposals from vendors other than Scanlon's firm.

The prices Scanlon's firm charged for its services "were significantly in excess" of the costs, the statement added.

Outside the courthouse, Scanlon attorney Cacheris said his client regrets what happened to the tribes and "he is trying to do what he thinks is right" by cooperating with the government investigation.