Sunday, April 27, 2014

Thoughts on Barbara Brown Taylor

For those of you Christians who are "too religious for the spiritual-but-not-religious crowd and are too Pantheist, witchy for the religious crowd, You might be interested in learning about and reading books by Barbara Brown Taylor who is a Baptist born Episcopalian priest of Clarksville, GA.

She was the subject of the cover and lead in the April 28 issue of Time. The article is entitled "Finding God in the Dark" by Elizabeth Dias.  If you Google her name the first of many listings about her will be:

I found the discussion of her interesting because she has a 'thing' for darkness. I, too, enjoy the darkness and quiet of night. I've long felt that my own thinking is best during the night... not just because it is quiet, but my brain lives in a dark world. 

True, I can see, but only through my sense of sight. My 'mentality', lives in total darkness, silence and without feeling... completely alone. It is only capable of awareness of the external world through the senses, which are heavily censored by my brain to avoid total sensory overload. Thus communications between me and other folks requires very complex effort between the two brains, not the least in even being aware of one another. So, at night when alone, my mentality is able to look inward without distraction and coordinate thoughts much more efficiently without needing to timeshare with daily survival in the real world.

Years ago when I dabbled in poetry, for example, I found it much easier to compose my various concepts and translate them into the language of poetry.  Not that I was a great poet by any measure, but my nocturnal muses were far superior to those concocted during the day. I'm still proud of my poem about the Indian ruin "Wupatki" where, I think, I come closest to Barbara Brown Taylor.... maybe.