For example, Maine and Nebraska have proportional representation and their votes are essentially nullified because all of the other states have "winner take all" and thus overwhelm the proportional delegations.
Essentially, the proposal below would take California out of the presidential elections. Since California's majority is Democrat (all of the major urban areas outside of Orange county) this would be a huge plus for the Republicans and guarantee that the Iraq war among other things would continue on for the next fifty years - perhaps much as the Korean peace action still persists with thousands of American troops there keeping the peace.
Extending the consequences of a Republican win in 2008 even further, I could see a Republican purge of all of their moderate members similar to the purge which took place in the sixties or seventies and on down the slippery slope to Christian fascism!
The secret to all of this is that it is OK for Republicans to have a mean and lean Republican minority as long as the votes of the majority party are rendered ineffective!
I certainly hope that the California Democrats are smart enough to see this and rally enough votes to scuttle the proposition. To their credit, they've stopped Republican millionaire candidates from ‘buying' their election through the ballot box (Huffington, Arianna's ex-husband).
California proposal could sway 2008 race
By MICHAEL R. BLOOD, Associated Press Writer
By MICHAEL R. BLOOD, Associated Press Writer
LOS ANGELES - A Republican-backed ballot proposal could split left-leaning California between the Democratic and GOP nominees, tilting the 2008 presidential election in favor of the Republicans.
California awards its cache of 55 electoral votes to the statewide winner in presidential elections — the largest single prize in the nation. But a prominent Republican lawyer wants to put a proposal on the ballot that would award the statewide winner only two electoral votes.
The rest would be distributed to the winning candidate in each of the state's congressional districts. In effect, that would create 53 races, each with one electoral vote up for grabs.
California has voted Democratic in the last four presidential elections. But the change — if it qualifies for one of two primary ballots next year and is approved by voters — would mean that a Republican would be positioned the following November to snatch 20 or more electoral votes in GOP-leaning districts.
That's a number equal to winning Ohio.
The so-called Presidential Election Reform Act is being pushed by Thomas Hiltachk, a lawyer in a Sacramento firm that represents the California Republican Party and has worked with Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger. He did not return phone messages left Monday at his office.
A Schwarzenegger spokeswoman said the governor is not involved with the proposed initiative, and party officials said they have no connection to it.
Democratic consultant Chris Lehane called the plan "an effort to rig the system in order to fix the election."
"If this change is made, it will virtually guarantee that a Republican wins the White House in 2008," Lehane said in an e-mail.
Nineteen of the state's 53 congressional districts are represented by Republicans. President Bush carried 22 districts in 2004, while losing the statewide vote by double digits.
Only Maine and Nebraska allocate electoral votes by congressional district.
A draft of the proposed initiative says nixing the winner-take-all system would give presidential candidates "an incentive to campaign in California. ... Many of the geographic areas of the state would be as important to a candidate's chance for victory as many of the smaller states."
"We'll take a serious look at it, once it qualifies for the ballot," state Republican Party Chairman Ron Nehring said.
If it does qualify, Democrats probably would have to spend millions of dollars to defeat it, which could drain money from other races. And there are expected to be additional ballot proposals on abortion and other social issues that could drive up GOP turnout.
The state already moved its presidential primary to Feb. 5 in an attempt to increase its clout in national politics.
In that primary, Republicans will award delegates only to the top vote-getter in each congressional district. A Democrat can qualify for a delegate by winning at least 15 percent of the vote in a district.