Thursday, May 18, 2006

Gay-Marriage Ban

[Hmmm.... why don't they just bring it up, vote it down and forget about it? Specter and Leahy are right, it is a waste of time because they'll never get a 2/3rds vote in the Senate nor support from 2/3rds of the states to pass the nonsense. The societal fuss over Gayness is just a trivial bug-a-boo designed to avoid the real problems in this country. It is a political distraction aimed at our intellectually challenged citizens.

If marriage is threatened, which I don't believe, it will be because many, if not most young people no longer see the point in it. It also seems to me that the bigger the wedding, the quicker the divorce! As to children, the worst influence on their social and intellectual development is our parentless system which requires both parents to work to survive economically. Baby sitters don't usually nurture - they just sit! Nor are teachers and schools in the business of ‘socializing' children - their function is to throw facts and skills at them whether they learn them or not, then turn them loose on society. Love, family and direction can only come from parents... AG]

Senate panel OKs gay-marriage ban
By Andy Sullivan

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A Senate panel advanced a constitutional ban on same-sex marriage on Thursday as the committee chairman shouted "good riddance" to a Democrat who walked out of the tense session.

"If you want to leave, good riddance," Senate Judiciary Chairman Arlen Specter told Wisconsin Democratic Sen. Russell Feingold, who refused to participate because, he said, the meeting was not sufficiently open to the public.

"I've enjoyed your lecture too. See you later, Mr. Chairman," Feingold told the Pennsylvania Republican before storming out. The testy exchange highlighted tensions over the proposal, which would amend the U.S. Constitution to prevent states from recognizing same-sex marriages.

The measure passed 10-8 on a party-line vote in a brief session held in a small, private chamber just off the Senate floor. Specter said he voted for the amendment because he thought it should be taken up by the full Senate, even though he does not support it.

The gay-marriage ban is one of several hot-button social issues Republicans are raising to rally conservative voters ahead of November's congressional elections.

Because the measure would change the Constitution, it must pass both houses of Congress by a two-thirds majority and then be approved by at least 38 states.

The measure failed in the Senate in 2004 and is not expected to pass this year either. Kansas Republican Sen. Sam Brownback said he expects it to be brought up for a vote in the full Senate in early June.

Gay marriage has been a hot topic since a Massachusetts court ruled in 2003 the state legislature could not ban it, paving the way for America's first same-sex marriages in May the following year.

At least 13 states have passed amendments banning gay marriage while two -- Vermont and Connecticut -- have legalized civil unions. California, New Jersey, Maine, the District of Columbia and Hawaii each offer gay couples some legal rights as partners.

Legal challenges seeking permission for gays and lesbians to marry are pending in 10 states.

"This issue's either going to be resolved by the courts or by this body," Brownback said.

Just over half of all Americans oppose same-sex marriage, according to a March poll by the Pew Research center, down from 63 percent in February 2004.

Vermont Sen. Patrick Leahy, the committee's top Democrat, said the gay marriage ban was a waste of time for a committee that needs to tackle a wide range of other pressing issues, from judicial nominations to oversight of the National Security Administration's domestic-spying program.

"I didn't realize marriages were so threatened. Nor did my wife of 44 years," Leahy said.

Leahy said Republican Sen. Orrin Hatch, who supports the gay-marriage ban, has expressed support for polygamists in his home state of Utah.

"I never said that," Hatch responded. "I know some (polygamists) that are very sincere. ... Don't accuse me of wanting to have polygamy." [Yeah, and so are some Catholic priests very sincere! Those Catholics hunger for tender young boys while the Mormons go for tender young girls! In either case, they're pedophiles!.... AG]

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