The past six years has shown the ruling party to be the most arrogant self-serving corrupt group of politicians in American history! Even reasonable moderate Republicans are revolting in disgust because their own party hasn't even tried to live up to its own conservative principles!
This government has lied to us and gotten us into a global mess in Iraq and the rest of the world for the very simple purpose of controlling the 2nd best oil reserves in the world! This is not for the betterment of Americans, but for the wealth of the oil tycoons - our vice president being one of them! That is what all of our problems is about. If it weren't for our aggressiveness to control oil, even bin Laden wouldn't have flown planes into the twin towers on 9/11! We all know that now - the whole thing has become documented fact!
Those of you who actually read Jefferson's state of the union message I posted realize that Jefferson was espousing a fiscal conservatism dreamed of by most true Republicans! Yet the goals of this party now are not only not conservative, they are not even American or of the American tradition wished for by our forefathers! They espouse some new elite economic structure social control by the wealthy and powerful in collusion with a warped hyper-Christianity designed to keep the people under control "In the name of Jesus", no less!
In all honesty, some of this is reminiscent of the 19th century with the various power moguls who dominated the working classes and with virtually no middle class. Everyone but the few were impoverished. It took the labor unions to dismantle the extreme wealth of the barons and create a healthy middle class.
Today, the unions are pretty much a thing of the past - especially with a global economy which they can't (or haven't been able to) control. Thus the pendulum swings back and the evils of poverty, ignorance and loss of personal freedoms are returning.
That is, unless we Democrats, Independents and moderate Republicans force our government to return to fiscal discipline, separation of church and state, and uphold our Constitutional Bill of Rights for all of the people! To do this, we need a Supreme Court with judges who can interpret the Constitution and contradict laws enacted by the legislature which violate Constitutional guarantees.
But just because we had a good midterm election doesn't mean that the snake is dead - far from it! The following post shows that it is still alive - if not well!
Democrats warned not to block judges
By LAURIE KELLMAN, Associated Press Writer Fri Nov 17
WASHINGTON - The Senate's next Republican leader issued a veiled threat to block action on legislation if Democrats refuse to allow confirmation votes on President Bush's troubled judicial nominations.
Sen. Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, who will become minority leader Jan. 4, told the conservative Federalist Society Friday not to feel bad about the Senate election results because Republicans will hold 49 seats in a body that requires 60 votes to end a filibuster and bring legislation or presidential nominees to a final vote.
If the "Democrats want our cooperation, they'll give the president's judicial nominees an up-or-down vote," McConnell said.
Vice President Dick Cheney told the same group Friday that Republicans' loss of Congress in last week's election won't dissuade Bush from continuing to nominate strict-constructionist judges to the federal bench.
Democrats have used filibusters and the threat of them to block several of Bush's more conservative federal appeals court nominees who had the support of a majority of senators but lacked the 60 pledges needed to force a vote.
Majority Leader Bill Frist, R-Tenn., became so irked that he brought the Senate to the brink of shutting down by threatening to get a parliamentary ruling forbidding filibusters on judicial nominations.
Only a bipartisan "Gang of 14" senators — seven Republicans and seven Democrats — averted the showdown with an agreement to allow some of Bush's nominees to be confirmed. Democrats subsequently rejected the idea of using filibusters to block Bush's two Supreme Court nominees — Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice
Samuel Alito.
"Senator McConnell wants bipartisan cooperation but that's a two-way street," his spokesman, Don Stewart, said Friday. "You can't expect easy cooperation on issues of importance to them unless they respect issues of importance to us, including the principle that judges deserve an up-or-down vote."
Democrats chalked up McConnell's comments to posturing and plain math.
"The president should stop picking fights and start working with Democrats to pick nominees who can be confirmed," said Jim Manley, spokesman for Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid of Nevada.
"When we work together on consensus judicial nominees we can make progress," said Sen. Patrick Leahy (news, bio, voting record) of Vermont, the incoming Democratic chairman of the Judiciary Committee.
Bush did the opposite this week, renominating six judges, four of them vehemently opposed by Democrats. Leahy said the renominations amounted to the White House "taking the bait of right-wing partisan groups."
"Advice and consent does not mean giving the president a free pass to pack the courts with ideologues from the right or left," Leahy said. "The American people want the Senate to be more than a rubber stamp."
Associated Press writer Mark Sherman contributed to this report.