Wednesday, February 07, 2007

A Woman for President?

A female cousin proclaimed she wouldn't vote for Hillary because she was too strident!......

Hmmmm... More strident than, for example, Senator Biden who is more than willing to call a spade a spade?

I think that the problem is that women by nature have screechy voices (I know, sister Dee - you don't screech) - especially if they get excited. I'm sure that it served them well when we all lived in caves - but they've had to live with it in modern society due to their physiology and it has been a hard thing for them to control - certainly not instinctive and very effective in handling children -- the alternative to using a club!

Now, I don't think I've ever heard Hillary screech on TV but I've read that she used to screech at Bill on occasion - maybe she should have screeched a bit louder!

But more seriously, as usual, we are now the most backward of the advanced nations on this planet. Our empire has peaked - as all empires have in history - it should be expected. We have become excessively Christian of the more advanced nations of the world which have become more pragmatic and have discarded ideologies and beliefs which are no longer believable nor practical. We've sold out to a rigid economic system which promotes greed at the expense of the welfare of citizens nor compassion for those less advanced in the world - we could bend a little, I think.

Thus even though the world elected a black to run the United Nations and his replacement is a Korean, we in the U.S. have yet to elect a nigger! (I use the term to show why we won't elect one). And we won't elect a woman because she is merely chattel in the Bible and thus no good Christian believes that a woman is capable of leading a ‘great nation'!

This is despite the fact that many women in history have led nations very effectively throughout history! – such as Queen Elizabeth I who, for example, established the first national welfare system and required citizens to establish surnames! Seems she had a civilizing effect on the English barbarians!

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