Friday, May 18, 2007

Mexican immigration off track

All along I have assumed that, aside from the "big fence" fruitcakes, the thrust of the immigration problem with Mexico should and would be aimed toward seasonal, temporary workers who would live in Mexico and work in the US.

However, as stated by AP news: "Many in Mexico — and U.S. employers who say they need workers for low-skilled jobs — had hoped Congress would expand the guestworker program and allow more to cross legally, work a few months and then return home with their savings to build homes and businesses."

It seems that most Americans including politicians think of Mexican immigration with the idea that Mexicans are no different than the Jews, Poles, Italians, Irish, etc. who preceded them and immigrated in the last century from the horrors of their European ghettos to live here permanently. I think that is the wrong mindset.

Sure, there may be many Mexicans who want to live the US rat race permanently, just as there are a large number of ‘white' Americans who find they can retire almost lavishly in Mexico on little more than their American Social Security. That kind of immigration reform along with the stupid 2,000 mile wall can and should take its time in congress. It certainly doesn't deserve the urgency of the guest worker program which it seems, is being ignored by everyone except George Bush.

The main thrust of the immigration bill should be aimed toward the seasonal, primarily agricultural, Mexican laborer. The ability to speak English is certainly not necessary and very few if any ‘taxpayer services' would be required. Of course their medical costs and temporary housing would have to be mandated by law (with enforced standards) and covered by their American employers.

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