Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Shame on Democrats?

The other night I heard a very good question. The questioner stated that we all know that the Democrats keep talking against the Iraq war but claim that even though they have the majority they don't 'quite' have the numbers and power to 'change course'.

The question was essentially, how come they simply sit on their hands and do nothing? The House certainly has the power to impeach the President and Vice President even if they can't put them out of office. They have the power to cut off funds for the war and other anti-war legislation. So what if the President has a veto!

It is only the Senate who doesn't have the numbers to pass legislation but they certainly could tie up the Congress until the Republicans cave -- they could at least be obstructionists, rant and rail, and put the whole bag on the backs of those few Republicans who still support Bush.

If the Democrats showed a little backbone, with the backing of the people, the Republicans in Congress would most certainly put their tails between their legs if they want to be re-elected!

I suspect they are playing cat and mouse waiting game -- letting the Republicans hang on the ends of their strings simply twisting in the wind. That is good politics but it is evil because continuing this war is costing the lives of Americans - even if they are considered mercenaries.

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