Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Dancing With The Stars Fiasco....

This is an open letter to ABC (Disney) regarding the obvious screw-up in their popular Dancing With The Stars program. This week was bad and I'll predict that next week will be even worse!

I’m certain that you’ve observed tonight the dying moments of your otherwise top-rated show, ‘Dancing With The Stars’.

So what are you going to do about it? I’m sure that your ‘box office hit’ will not survive this disaster for next year! Last year’s travesty was comparatively miner, but should have given you ample warning that public input, which does not in any way include your viewing public, but rather those relative few with direct Internet connections to decide winners in the competition. They are a small subset of your viewers.

Even the cast, judges and MC’s, of your show were in shock – and you can’t evade the problem by saying that it was “democracy in action”. You should know that your show is perceived to be a dancing talent contest. You have provided judges who have some expertise in the field of dance. So why on earth would you enable input from viewers which could make a mockery of your judges? If I had been a judge last year, I would not have returned this season. It may be that your judges see the show to be what it is, a popularity show based loosely upon dancing, so in fact, they are wasting their time judging the acts when those judgments will be over voted by God knows who.

The show is obviously a fraud because your celebrity contestants have worked their hearts out to achieve, only to find themselves second to right-wing political interests!

It is now well known via MSM that the so-called “tea party movement” produced an Internet memorandum to all tea party followers how to submit their multiple votes for Sarah Palin’s daughter in this contest. And of course, everyone knows that Sarah Palin is the figurehead, if not leader of that ultra right-wing movement.

I think that this fiasco is going to destroy an otherwise good entertainment... and if your sequel, “Skating With The Stars” has the same voting format, there will be abuses there too.

Let me suggest that in show business, democracy doesn’t work because networks don’t have the mechanisms needed to prevent abuse. ....and why should it? Good experienced judges should be better than asking the hoi-polli their opinions of something they don’t even understand beyond its entertainment value? If the show really is a dancing contest, obviously the best dancer should win over and above any other considerations.

Finally, let me say that when I see injustice, such as presented tonight, I no longer am entertained by your show and will consider other entertainment. I would hope that I am not alone and that someone will pay for the injustices imposed upon the celebrity contestants

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