Monday, June 06, 2011


You'd have to be a moron to suggest that people want to pay taxes - and that is what many politicians count on - "No new taxes!" I say "HOGWASH!"

We do have to pay for the services all of our various governments provide including our roads, highways, bridges, etc.; our safety, including police and military, our health such as the FDA, Medicare, Medicade, NIH, etc. It is government which provides our law and order, protects and/or provides for out disaster care, fights our wildfires, mitigates flooding and tornado disasters to say nothing of hurricanes. It is the government who provides the energy we need for our standard of living through its grid policies, pipeline permissions, mining controls (and safety) - and on, and on and on!

As a matter of fact, private industry is HIRED by the government to provide those services which would never EVER be provided by private industry on its own - simply because very little that government does for the people is profitable without being subsidized by government! Private industry operates exclusively on the profit principle -- if it isn't profitable it isn't worth doing!

And what is the government? The government is you and I. We do have to pay our way in this life.

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