Sunday, March 12, 2006

Frist wins Republican straw poll....

I wonder why the parties do this sort of thing since such limited polls looking so far in the future mean absolutely nothing. They must be essentially publicity stunts to keep which ever party is doing them in the news. Frist will not necessarily be the candidate for the 2008 election any more than Hillary is a shoo-in for her party. Both parties have other candidates who are considered to be as qualified.

In a sense, I like Frist in that, as a doctor, he has an appreciation for the value of stem cell research for the future health of millions of people throughout the world - certainly much more important, I think, than worrying about a few terrorists.

However, I still can't abide by a party which places women in a secondary and subservient roll because of their sex nor can I abide by a party which favors the profitability of corporations as more important than the lives and welfare of living, breathing, and often suffering citizens.

On the other hand, I agree with many others that it is time for the Democrats to close ranks and define themselves behind a common sense leader - even a "brittle" woman. That is a difficult task for Democrats because we are so diverse.

Immigrants and unions don't always see eye to eye nor do small business people agree with either of them! There are many Christian Democrats who are not enthralled with the idea of catering to homosexuals with a gut feeling of disgust for the practice - nor do they feel charitable towards women and girls who lead reckless lives, get in trouble, and expect society to make it easy for them. No one likes to pay taxes but many, but not all, feel that we do need some services - or at least paved roads!

Each of the above items - and many more, is evaluated by most of us to determine how we choose a candidate or vote in an election. Unfortunately for Democrats, it seems that Republicans are able to focus on only one or two objectives and are able to ignore any other misgivings - that gives them great power and among other factors, allows them to win. They are focused and disciplined!

I think finally, that all of us agree that just as in Vietnam, the war in Iraq was a terrible mistake - the whole nation knows it as do both parties. The problem now is how to get out of it with a modicum of credibility and to minimize the further needless loss of American and Iraqi lives.

So the candidate from either party who can best figure that out will have a leg up in the 2008 election because, Iraq will still be a problem, I'm sure, until then - that is, unless Congress gets a mandate from the people in the elections in 2006!.

Another consideration will be the ability of the Bush government to handle next year's Hurricane season and the devastation bestowed upon what Gulf coast city? - perhaps even New Orleans again? Mother nature is still by far the most vicious terrorist! The tsunami in Sumatra killed 100 times more innocent people than 9/11/01 or 12/7/41! So how effective will our government be this time unless it performs some first class readjustments within the next six months. Considering budgetary constraints due to wars, etc., I'm not holding my breath that last year's problems will not be repeated this next year.

Deja vous all over again?

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