| We went to a fund raiser for the local Democrats, tonight. No, it wasn't a black tie, $1000 per plate type of Republican orgy but rather a $20 buffet in a run-down cafĂ©/hotel ‘historic place' - "the Brunswick" in ‘Old Town' Kingman where we got to meet the Democratic candidates, hear why they are running and sign their petitions so they can actually get on the ballot. The highest level politician there was running for the House of Representatives from our district - he wore a suit and tie!
The catered food was simple, but actually rather good (not overdone) - rolled up thingies and chicken wings and other nondescript finger foods, we went back for more - and there was plenty because there were probably not many more than one hundred people milling about - that's about 0.4% of Kingman's population, I figger.
And the beer at the no-host bar not only provided intellectual relief (I asked the bar girl, "What's a nice Republican girl doing in a place like this?"), but also stools for my Betty and I to sequester ourselves on throughout the speeches - which were blessedly short. Hell, at this point I wouldn't vote for a Republican if his name was Jesus and he wore sandals! So I certainly didn't go there for the speeches!
My Betty, looking out over the crowd asked, "Where are the young people?" My reply was, "Are you kidding at twenty bucks a plate?" I mentioned to my Betty that I recognized quite a few people there - and, indeed several had come over and shook hands with us - all people who were involved during the Kerry campaign. My Betty commented that she didn't see anyone she knew - a lie, of course, but not unnoticed when you've been married for fifty-four years!
It must be fun trying to be a politician because you believe in something and want to make a change in your society – and then come to the realization that most people simply don't give a damn!
I can sit here in the peace and quiet of my den with cats and wine to keep me company and make comments about how the world should be – so much easier than being a politician and actually trying to achieve some of those things...........
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